PC World Interactive 2
PC World Interactive 2 - Eylül 1997.iso
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Text File
71 lines
15000 Loupe
15001 x%d y%d
15002 Cannot register Loupe window class!
15003 Cannot open the Loupe window!
15004 Cannot allocate a backgroundtimer for BitBlt operations.Try closing other programs thatmay be using MS Windows timers.
15005 Cannot create a temporary devicecontext for clipboard operations.
15006 Cannot create temporary bitmapfor clipboard operations.
15007 Error detected while copyingLoupe bits to the clipboard.
15008 Cannot open the clipboard becauseanother application or window iscurrently using it.
15009 Cannot load Loupe's accelerator keys
22000 System Information
22001 Cannot register System Information Window Class
22002 Cannot open System Information window
22100 Microsoft Windows %s v%d.%d
22101 32s
22102 95
22103 NT
22104 %s System CPU
22105 %s System CPUs (%d)
22106 i386
22107 i486
22108 Pentium
22109 MIPS R4000
22110 Alpha 21064
22111 Unknown
22200 Memory
22201 %s Total RAM
22202 %s Bytes Free
22300 Video Monitor
22301 %d x %d Pixels
22302 %d Bit Color
22400 Resources
22401 Free
22500 System
22501 RAM
22502 Swap
24100 Ruler
24101 Cannot register Horizontal Ruler window class
24102 Cannot open the Horizontal Ruler window
24500 Ruler
24501 Cannot register Vertical Ruler window class
24502 Cannot open the Vertical Ruler window
28000 MS Windows 95/NT Error Codes
28001 Cannot register Error Codes window class
28002 Cannot open Error Codes window
29000 ASCII | ANSI Chart
29001 Click the left button to show a character code, or the right button to copy the character to the clipboard
29002 Cannot register ASCII window class
29003 Cannot open ASCII window
29004 Cannot allocate a memory bufferfor the Clipboard copy function.
29005 Cannot access memory pointerfor Clipboard copy function.
29006 Cannot open the Clipboard.Another application may be using it.
29007 Cannot access the Clipboard.
29008 Cannot copy text to the Clipboard.
60005 %s(CreateFontIndirect): Cannot initialize %s %d pt. fontCode %d
60006 %s(GlobalAlloc): Cannot allocate temporary memory buffer (size=%u)Code %d
60010 %s(GetDC): Cannot get screen's device contextCode %d
60011 %s(LoadBitmap): Cannot load specified picture (ID:%lu)Code %d
60012 %s(CreateCompatibleDC): Cannot create device contextCode %d
60013 %s(SelectObject): Cannot select picture resource (ID:%lu)Code %d
60014 %s(GetObject): Cannot load bitmap object data (ID:%lu)Code %d
60015 %s(LoadIcon): Cannot load icon resource (ID:%lu)Code %d
60016 %s(DrawIcon): Cannot draw icon resource (ID:%lu)Code %d
60017 %s(SetMapMode): Cannot set mapping modeCode %d
60018 %s(FindResource): Cannot find %s resource (ID:%lu)Code %d
60019 %s(LoadResource): Cannot load %s resource (ID:%lu)Code %d
60020 %s(LockResource): Cannot lock %s resource (ID:%lu)Code %d
60500 Cannot register SplashBox window class
60501 Cannot open application splash box
60900 WindowsScreenSaverClass